In the swift passage through modernity the relationship with historical continuity has often been lost.
Thus, the complexity of formal and spatial schemas, in character with traditional architecture and the corresponding urban design, gives way to simplification which is void of memory.
The layers that made up and broke down the architectural space of traditional Korean architecture become huge blind and dumb surfaces in the anonymous residential buildings of the new city.
The same layers in the site cut through the volumetric masses of the incinerator and set the scene for the transformation that follows.
In this evolutionary process/project which evolves into a cultural center, the aim is to restore the relationship with memory in a process of anamnesis that combines the simplification of the layers with the complexity of their origin.
As if taken from an old postcard featuring the roofs of Gwangju, these translucent pages reveal the simplicity of the spaces they contain and the complexity of the relationships between the several and diverse functions that animate the library.

Combining complexity and semplicity